


When you’re trying to rent out apartments, odors are one of your worst nemeses. Whether it’s the cat urine creeping up from the carpets, 大麻烟在大厅里弥漫, or the odor of clashing 食物s traipsing through doorways, bad smells can be a turnoff to prospective residents—and a discouragement for current residents who may be considering whether to renew their leases.

在State Chemical, we manufacture and distribute chemical solutions for an array of problems, 包括气味. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站知道难闻的气味会影响你的生意, and it’s especially frustrating in an apartment or condo setting where you can’t stop your residents from creating odors.

To help you fight odors in your apartment or condo, we’ll explain the leading causes of odors in these settings, 如何识别问题区域, 以及如何消除这些气味. After reading, you’ll understand your treatment options for your apartment or condo.

What are the Main Causes of Odors in 公寓和共管公寓?

任何有机物质都会产生气味, but certain odors tend to be especially common in apartment buildings.


如果你的设施允许宠物, odors will inevitably come along with their presence, 包括尿液, 粪便物, 头皮屑, 宠物食品. These odors usually cling to the carpet and make their presence known throughout the space.


此外, smoke and 大麻 odors may be a problem in your building. Whether in individual rooms or throughout hallways, these are the types of odors that really permeate a space, 对于潜在的租房者也是如此, 这可能是一个严重的问题.


Have you ever walked through a building and smelled a 食物 odor incredibly distinct and yet unidentifiable? When different tenants cook different 食物s throughout the building, the scents tend to coalesce and create this strange odor that may plague your halls.


最后, trash creates odors powerful enough to make anyone hold their breath. Whether your facility utilizes outdoor dumpsters or a 垃圾房, you’ve probably dealt with the icky coalition of trash from across the complex.

Any of these issues can warrant resident complaints or potential renter concerns. There’s only so much you can control with tenants leasing out most of this space, so what can you do?


Your first step is to identify the problem areas in your building.

个别单位有宠物气味吗? Your issue is probably the carpets holding onto old odors and bacteria.

Are there constant smoke and 大麻 odors in the hallways? You may not be able to eliminate this issue at the source, but you can target the air in the hallways as your problem area.

Is there a constant smell of clashing 食物s in the hallways? Again, you can’t eliminate this issue at the source, but you can focus on treating the hallways’ air.

你有刺鼻的垃圾气味吗? Think of the garbage cans or dumpsters as your problem area to treat.

你对大堂的体味有意见吗? Your issue may be coming from lobby furniture and/or carpeting.

一旦你确定了你的重点领域, you’re ready to consider what odor elimination may look like for you.


You have a few different options for odor elimination based on the specific problem area.

pet odors, lobby odors, or other odors likely tied to the carpets, you should use a carpet cleaner first if there’s any residue. 但如果清理后臭气还在,那就 织物清新喷雾 can effectively deodorize the carpet and/or affected furniture while adding a pleasant scent to the area.

与此同时, 对烟, 大麻, 食物, 或者其他残留在空气中的气味, the most effective solution is an automatic scent diffuser. 如果空气中有持续的气味, a handheld air freshener isn’t going to make a big difference. 然而, if you put an automated system in an area where the odor is most prevalent, it will consistently fight odors and add pleasant scents without personnel having to manage it.

Trash odors, like pet odors, must be treated at the source. Grab your garbage cans or dumpsters and spray the interior with an odor eliminator for trash. 如果底部有液体池, you can also use a granular odor eliminator to absorb the liquid and add a fragrance. 此外,如果您的垃圾桶位于 垃圾房, you can use an automated scent diffuser to treat odors in the room as a whole.

To prepare a unit for move-in or tours, you also have more specific options. In this situation, you want a fast, easy solution that controls odors as painlessly as possible. 要做到这一点, 你可以使用全释放式空气除臭剂. This is an aerosol product where you press down the trigger, 离开房间, and let it fog the space with an odor eliminator and fragrance, 提供一个 快速有效的解决方案.

Learn 关于 How State Chemical Treats Apartment Odors

Odors are a nightmare when trying to attract renters and maintain tenants. 然而, this will no longer be a concern for you with the right odor treatment option. To learn more about eliminating apartment and condo odors, read about what an 空气护理 agreement with State Chemical looks like.